Ear Acupuncture
Ear Acupuncture is the practice of stimulating specific points in the ear. There are over 400 acupuncture points in each ear. Ear Acupuncture is a combination of auriculotherapy, acupressure and acupuncture. Acu-stapling/Placing ear beads is a variation of auriculotherapy that places the ear needles or ear beads at key pressure points to target weight loss, stress, migraines and smoking cessation.
The auricular acupuncture utilizes the body’s “micro system” of the ear to treat certain parts of the body. It has been shown scientifically that different points in the ear demonstrate higher electrical conductivity when their related organ or tissues is stressed, unbalanced, or diseased. Through treatment of such points, energy flow is theorized to be enhanced to this area of the body. This increase of energy to an area of imbalance will potentially result in improvement in the physical as well as energetic state of body. There are numerous reasons to have the acu-staple placed; weight loss, migraines, stress, smoking cessation, chronic back pain, and digestive imbalances. Our successful rate of weight loss is 90% while there is 85% successful rate for quitting smoking and migraines.
What is AcuStaple?
A tiny surgical stainless steel staple that is placed in the middle cartilage of the ear between specific pressure points to target weight loss, stress, tension, smoking cessation and other problems affecting the body.
How Does It Work?
The staple provides a continuous pressure to specific points in the ear. It sends a signal to your brain telling it your stomach is full or can cause a strong distaste for tobacco, depending on what point the staple is placed.
How Long Does It Last?
It can last from 6 weeks to 6 months. It varies from one person to the other. My clients average 12 to 16 weeks. Your body will get used to the stimulus on the point after a certain amount of time. It will be removed and put back in the same day in a slightly different spot between the pressure points
What Is The Average Weight Loss?
For women, 2-5 pounds a week and men 4-11 pounds.
Does It Hurt?
It is similar to having your ears pierced. There is a slight burning/stinging sensation, but it subsides very quickly.
What's The Difference Of Getting One Staple Versus Two?
It is believed that one ear is more sensitive than the other, but there is no way to know for sure which one. It is suggested to get two, because of equilibrium and your chances of it working are increased.
What If The Staple Isn't Working?
The staple is effective over 90% of the time. It takes approximately one week to go into effect, if no results come within 10 days of placement, staples will be repositioned at no charge. If it does not work the second time then this most likely is not the plan for you.
What are the risks?
If it is no later than 10 days after placement, a replacement staple will be provided at no charge.
What If One Becomes Loose?
Infection is the biggest risk, but unlikely if instructions for care are followed. Keep the area clean and dry, and do not touch your staples, you will have little chance of the ear becoming infected. Scarring can also occur, but the chances are very slim because the staple used is very small.