Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is the oldest continually practiced medical science in the world. Its written history stretches back at least 2,500 years, although legend and tradition says that it is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old.
TCM uses acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, and other traditional healing techniques to treat a wide range of human diseases. There are TCM practitioners in nearly every city in every nation in the world, and there are millions of people worldwide who can attest to the healing power of these therapies.
Acupuncture works in two ways. First, the theory of meridians and collaterals is used as a main guide to treatment, and points from adjacent areas are selected. Therapeutic results may be obtained by regulating the circulation of energy and blood flow through there meridians and collaterals. Secondly, when a needle is inserted into the skin, it sends a signal to the spinal cord and brain, which is present or to modify a particular body function.
Research shows that the theory of acupuncture has strong correlations with the nervous system and the endocrine system. Typically, acupuncture points are located where connective tissue spans the space between muscles and where nerve cells bundle.
After insertion, acupuncture needles are manipulated. Manipulation consists of twisting and pumping actions. It is believed that during manipulation, the needle winds up tiny bits of connective tissue. These actions create a change in micro-electrical currents in the body to stimulate our peripheral nervous system and send message to central nervous system. Then central nervous system will process all the information to release hormones, the disease is dealt with, and balance is once more established.